/manager/Index en-au 5 Intralipid therapy does not improve level of consciousness in overdoses with sedating drugs: a case series. /manager/Repository/uon:14548 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:28:23 AEST ]]> Safety of prolonged outpatient courses of intravenous antibiotics: a prospective cohort study /manager/Repository/uon:48412 Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:03:58 AEDT ]]> A randomised controlled trial of intramuscular vs. intravenous antivenom for latrodectism: the RAVE study /manager/Repository/uon:4914 20% was only 10%. In 55 patients with systemic effects, these improved in 58% after IV antivenom vs. 65% after IM antivenom (-8%; 95% CrI: -32% to +17%). Twenty-four hours after antivenom pain had improved in 84% in the IV group vs. 71% in the IM group (+13%; 95% CrI: -2% to +27%). A meta-analysis including data from a previous trial found no difference in the primary outcome between IV and IM administration. Discussion: The difference between IV and IM routes of administration of widow spider antivenom is, at best, small and does not justify routinely choosing one route over the other. Furthermore, antivenom may provide no benefit over placebo.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 10:14:08 AEDT ]]> The impact of blood sampling technique, including the use of peripheral intravenous cannula, on haemolysis rates: A cohort study. /manager/Repository/uon:43448 Mon 19 Sep 2022 14:58:26 AEST ]]>